Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Fed Centennial, Barry Soetero, And Arnold Schwarzenegger

2013 is the 100th Anniversary Of The Federal Reserve

For nearly 100 years the taxation machine called the Federal Reserve, the currency-as-benefit-people, have been imposing their religion and laws and attitudes and medicine on Americans, always saying their way is better.  In some ways the collective monies of America have done good here, but most of Americas money since 1913 has been shoveled out of this country nearly as fast as it was collected.  It was largely used to fund war, and to fund Israel, both being the same thing, pretty much.  Now, almost 100 years later, as America is in its second depression in spite of the trillions of dollars its citizens have paid into the system over the years, representatives of the federal reserve, such as the republican puppet party, are running on a platform to balance the budget, even though their last representative spent more money during his eight years than probably the presidents of the previous 20 or more.  What has caused this amnesia among the populace here?  Have they all become believers in magic through Jesus, to the total exclusion of all else?   Or WHAT?

Barack Obama was installed as president for several specific reasons, though mostly as a holding action to give the people a false sense that something is being done to keep their economy working.  That is as far from the truth as can be.  He is a scapegoat for Israel, and he is also a racial remark by Israel, and if Mr. Obama is not willfully complicit in this  (As I believe he and his type always are) then he is simply a brainless egotist, believing he can change the way things are done here in the land of the slaves and home of the pee, here in Amerikkka, which has, through the fed, become nothing so much as a satellite of Israel, which is to say a satellite of the European Royal banking industry.

The things I have against Barack Obama are threefold, and none are ideologically or racially oriented.  First is the fact that his real name is not Barack Obama.  It is Barry Soetero or something like that.  Why would someone who is president have changed their name?  No one is saying boo about that, it is a major non-issue here.   While the profit-prophets of fox news nit pick and harangue, things like Barrys name change are swept below the rug, and thats because fox is a disinformation outlet, turning the people away from truth, pure and simple. The second thing I have against Barry The Prez is that a full two years prior to his election, some rich Israeli types told me in no uncertain terms he WOULD be the next president, which I thought was ludicrous at the time, because his name sounded Muslim, and I had NEVER heard of him before their statement.  This revelation took place at the 2006 Tucson Rock and Gem show, and these Israeli-type people were staying in their palatial motorhome at Bob Beaudrys RV resort in Tucson AZ.  Imagine my surprise when the deed they spoke of was actually done!  Finally, I am totally uncomfortable with the idea, even the suggestion, that this president was born somewhere other than America.  More about that last later.

The republican and democratic partys are just two sides of the same coin.  The bought-and-paid-for media juggles the show put on by these hired thugs and two-bit actors, and this street skits director is Israel, because Israel, through the federal reserve, runs the currency here; by taking over our currency back after the civil war, this group of money mongers and royal banking families have been able to institute a very effective rape of the American people via an illegal income tax and prison industry, plus they have totally usurped the judicial thus the constitution by using the taxation scheme they have instituted to put us in such debt only their forgiveness will ever extricate Americans from that form of slavery. And don't expect forgiveness from your masters anytime soon, you are much too valuable as experimental guinea pigs, and as prey for parasites.  This created debt is used daily to subvert the laws of America, and to subvert your place in the overall scheme of things here, you little tax paying appendage you.

But for all that, I must say that because I generally side with the underdog, and because I hate the God Damned republican commies so very badly, I find myself siding with Obama, or at least empathizing.  Americas idiot republicans and their Israeli masters have been cooking the books for so long things can NEVER be right, and now they have picked a scapegoat to crucify, and they expect all Americans to fall for it?  Come ON.  I know Obama is somehow related to Dick Cheney and that all these people thrust into action here are part of some royalty game puppeteered by the Vatican and God only knows who else, and I find it hard to come to terms with the idea that Barry does not know all this and is not complicit; he must have some major part in this charade, other than keeping ENMOD quiet and keeping the sheople from looking up into the skies as they are sprayed daily en masse, as they have been since 911.  But for him to accept the role of scapegoat at the cost of his race, and to act ignorant about his appointment as president being anything more than a racial statement by the Israeli masters, well, this is either a comical naivete, or he actually believes he can make a difference, him and his Irish partner.  Jee-zussss.  On a pogo stick.  Is. All. I. Can. Say.

Here is the nut of this tirade: I honestly believe that Barry was put in to smooth the way for Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born out of this country, and who would need some serious law usurpation to gain entry to the American presidency.  The fact that Arnold is very well liked by the Israeli masters and the worlds puppeteers in general, coupled with the fact that Barry has now created precedence for a foreign born president, however ignored by the mouthpieces of the Israeli masters such as Rupert Murdochs gang of liars at fux nooz, lets me and other thinkers know that more than anything, Barry is just a scapegoat with delusions of grandeur, and a pervertor of the American way at a very basic level, so that Arnold, another anointed actor type, can be appointed by Israel as American president some day soon.  The media is being used adroitly, even expertly, and with purpose, to manipulate American perceptions towards what the master wants.  Its obvious now, and getting more so everyday.  At least to people like me, who are not blinkered by the lord and other semitic/religious fanaticism.  People like me who put America first.

So. In spite of boy george bush's wanton spending, the NEW-old republicans are running on a PLEDGE to cut government spending, as if everyone has gotten a bad case of amnesia and forgotten about bush and his planeloads of printed money being sent to the middle east and his other seeming attempts to break the bank through a terror based spending spree.  He put us here in short order, and nothing can get us out fast, and if Mccain had become president the republican party would have been dead forever, which was another good reason for Barry Soetero as President. Blame all these hard times on the ineptness of the scapegoat.  What a shame it really is that Mccain, the geriatric dingaling, alongwith his ignorant tv-loving hussy of a running mate, the mamma bear from Alaska, did not win in 2008, we would have been shut of these idiotic schmux forever, though the cost would have been even greater than all the trillions we have paid to Israel and its federal reserve so far.  The masters, the directors, who run this circus act called "Voting and Free-Elections" realized this, and that was right where Obama came in.  

Read the book Devilvision, to understand what is exactly at stake here, and why all these distractions are in place.  To understand your true powerlessness. And to begin turning it around.

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